Hi CRW3. I agree that this was probably a dweller. (I take it you prob. read "Your First Conscious Projection"). I have had instances of a similar experience (repetitive the same night) and found that it was a lesson, in retrospect. I am not sure if the 'positive female' (for lack of a better term) was a protective self-aspect making sure that you didn't go through more than you could handle, or an external entity- a facilitator. Either way, it seems you make it through ok. BTW, Welcome to the forums.
Hi, CRW3! I usually post on another site that holds a more pragmatic view on the whole thing. You really want to know what I think? That OOBEs, Astral Projection, DILDs, WILDs and False Awakenings are one and the same...just different entries. They are all labels that we have come up with. It is a peculiar state of consciousness that can be entered before, during and after sleep. We merely call it the phase.