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Old 09-06-2011, 12:29 AM   #5

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what ur doughter is experiencing is called a sleep paralysis which is common amongst people with natural obe abilities. It usually happens right before projecting and if ur mind is awake while ur body is asleep, it can be a very scary experience although it is not real at all. This first happened to me when i was 13 years old and ever since i found out that i can turn that into a beautiful obe state, my fears ended. So first of all, when our bodies fall asleep every night, our brain releses chemical that freezes our bodies in order to prevent us from acting out our dreams. Sometimes our mind wakes up during this process and we are actually dreaming with our eyes open. We cant move our bodies and we also are experiencing hallucinations. If your doughter wants to break free of this sensation, all she has to do is try to relax and focus her mind on moving her big toe, imaging and feeling that a wide brush is brushing it back and forth, up and down inside and underneath. I promise that this will break the sleep paralysis. Also the sensation of someone choking her and her stomach being squeezed, its caused by her chakras working overtime to prepare for astral projection. If you dont know what chakras are, you can read about them online. The chakras associated with sleep paralysis and astral projection are solar plexus chakra (located in middle of the abdominal area), the throat chakra (located in our throat), and heart chakra (in heart region). When these energy centers start working, the squeezing and tingling sensation is felt and it can be pretty extreme. Some people even feel like they are being electricuted or that they are having a heart attack or being choked. Again, none of these sensations are going to hurt your doughters body in any way they are just a natural phenomena that happens to all of us with natural obe abilities. I know that for a child these sensations can be hurtful menatlly, so therefore i would advise you to talk to her and explain the process, or if that wont help you can take her to energy worker who will make sure her chakras will lessen their power. You can also read up on astral projection and encourgage her to learn it so she can turn this experience into something beautiful she will enjoy. I hope this helps and I understand how she feels, as i said before i had sleep paralysis since age 13 and nobody believed me so i was left alone with this until later when i actually learned what it meant. Good luck to you I wish u both the best!!
goolen4you is offline


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