How often do you project?
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06-25-2011, 12:59 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Well, to add to the subjectivity of the theme, I'll tell you how I classify them for myself-
All nonphysical experiences are projections, because your mind is focused on some other stimulus. In this way dreams, whether lucid or nonlucid, are projections. In a certain way they can be said to be APs because it seems like dreams (whether lucid or nonlucid) seem to have a lot of the components typical of an Astral Projection, with a few variables.
Now, all being projections, not all are APs or OBEs- not because they are different, but because they're perceived differently. (Now, I'm not saying they're not different, I'm saying they may not be- some seem very different and some don't, so I just don't distinguish for my own clarity.
To me, and OBE is any projection in which I experience leaving the body, and usually ends in the RTZ/etheric; although I usually don't stay there long, I'm usually 'somewhere else' before long.
And just to add detail, I think phasing is the experience of exiting to the astral (and to me phasing does have an exit, just not an exit to the RTZ) and some sort of OBE that is usually experienced differently than an RTZ OBE.
Now, all dreams being projections don't mean they are all focused on the same place/space/focus, they can be very different from each other, and usually psychologically driven. Even precog dreams have symbology attached to them, which means that they're processed by the same mechanism that processes 'daily routine' nonlocid dreams.
Anyway, that's how I see them.
Ps. I also wanted to add that when I answer the question, by 'Projection' I mean and OBE or AP phase, because used as a verb "I project" there's an action taking place, and usually voluntary.
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