How often do you project?
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06-25-2011, 03:08 PM
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Oct 2005
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I agree, dreams are all a kind of projection, but when not lucid, then it is not a conscious projection. And as we all do dream every night according to the scientists, quite obviously the "normal" dreams are for the poll and also for most discussions not considered as OBE.
I do usually what I think people consider "phasing". I just close my eyes, shift my awareness and move out of my physical body. This I can also do with the eyes open, but then it is more difficult, as it basically causes two visions overlapping. So while phasing, also my physical senses are still working. I am very alert and have day consciousness.
Lucid dreaming and those techniques that go via a deeper trance state usually have the physical body asleep, so the senses are shifted more completely to the energybody/projection. I had few spontaneous lucid dreams, but am not working with them, as it takes some time to induce them and also the mind tends to be a bit "sleepy" from the deep relaxation.
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