POLL - Favorite OBE Methods and Recall
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03-15-2011, 02:26 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hallo TheLawOfOne
1. Please describe your most successful OBE method/technique.
The Roll out methods works most often for me (maybe about 25 %) and also projecting from a lucid dream (20 %)
2. Are you able to maintain consciousness from the beginning of the technique till the separation state, or do you fall asleep in between?
Maintain consciousness.
3. Please describe what you experience during the separation state. (i.e. slow vibrations, fast vibrations, buzzing, sounds, no vibrations, etc.)
Sometimes vibrations and sounds (20%), sometimes vibrations and no sounds (30%), sometimes sounds an no vibrations (5-10%) and sometimes no vibrations and no sounds (40 %).
4. Using this technique, please list your recall rate on a scale from 1 to 10.
10 being exceptional vividness, feels 100% real, there are no gaps in time, you wake up remembering every little detail as if it had just happened in the waking state, you are in full conscious control throughout the experience.
1 being poor recall, feels more like a dream, gaps in time, details are blurred, no conscious control of your actions.
About a 6.5
Thank you.
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