Strange physical attributes
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08-23-2012, 02:44 PM
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Oct 2005
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Howdy, SayYes
My eyes are sensitive to the sun also. I get migraines if out in the sun too long (one of my many migraine triggers)! When I get my picture taken I am often the one who blinks from the flash going off. Every joint in my body creaks. Not only do I have the brain problem, I also have a connective tissue disorder that makes all my joints pop.
I am stunned that you mention frogs!!! You see I have been obsessed with frogs my entire life. Imagine an adorable blue-eyed girl with long blonde hair playing with frogs as if they are her friends. Imagine her putting them in her swimming pool to create a frog village. Imagine her giving them all names and being able to tell them all apart by their coloring and spots. Imagine her neighbors and friends running in terror as she tries to introduce her frog friends. Yep... that was me.
So I was always curious if aliens and frogs were connected because my frog facination seems a bit unusual. I have 2 tree frogs as pets and anytime I find a frog in the wild it is like winning the lottery. I get so excited and must spend time "communing" with the frog. Seems like aliens and frogs have some physical similarities (cool smooth skin, large eyes)? Although I have not met an alien in my conscious awareness maybe that is why I love those cool little frogs so much. They seem wise.
- saffire
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