Newbies' Journeys
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01-19-2009, 07:58 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
about 30 yrs ago, i experienced astral projection or had out of body experience. it was after reading a book to help me sleep (can't mention the book).
after floating above my body, and through the roof, i traveled several hundred miles away, floating above the landscape at dark, to where my wife was and noticed the surroundings as i descended into the living room.
the next day when i called her, i described they had chicken last night, what she wore, she cleaned up in the kitchen, what tv program was on, etc. this scared her but vailidated for me that the experience was real.
now i want to experience reaching my "higher self" and/or the astral plane, etc. again but am having difficulty.
how does one go about it? is there a good book, video or website on the subject, the actual steps to take in order to meditate or whatever and reach this higher plane of existence? or is it something so esoteric no one really knows or has put it down on paper???
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