Sleep Paralysis and other Sleep Experiences
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04-04-2010, 03:26 PM
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Oct 2005
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i was just listening to a show on coast to coast and the guest was graham hancock. a caller asked him about this... and ill get back to this later in the response but first i also want to say that this is a discussion going on on a paranormal forum im on.
alot of people report a feeling of heaviness on their chest, and seeing shadows, and they feel like something is holding them down or such. in the paranormal field, this is really treated as a medical thing and kind of overlooked. but i dont think its that simple as a biological thing.
here is what graham said:
sleep paralysis is one of those liminal
(this is what it sounds like he says - i think he was shortening it from subliminal)
states.. its one of those states betwixt and between where... it occurs when you are at the edge of sleep and waking. hypnogogic sleep its called. it is an altered state of consciousness, and in that altered state of consciousness - we can indeed separate from the body. the consciousness can leave the body, and can move out into other realms and other worlds and i believe past times and other parts of this physical world as well. some people call that astral projection, i call that out of body but i believe thats the same thing.
i agree with him but to further this, i want to expound on a few things. it is said frequently that what we dream, that state, is the true reality. not while we are awake - because we are so shielded from consciousness by the physical density. it is also said that the majority of us actually leave our bodies without knowing it, while traversing this dream world. for example we all astral or obe just most of us are not lucid of it.
when we start to physically awaken, there is that period of time where i believe the dream state overlaps with the physical reality. this would explain why your conscious mind sees shadows for the most part. however in our dream state we can also tear the veil between worlds, realities and universes; and if someone truly does have a haunting in their home - in this state their physical mind can still see into it before they fully awaken.
finally i personally believe that the feeling of heaviness in the chest and not able to move is because your spirit has not fully rejoined your body. in this period of your time you are traveling back or merging with your body but the process isnt complete. for this, you start to feel the physical even though you dont have full control of it yet. some people are light sleepers, some are heavy. for example some people can awaken instantly and be in tune with their body... others it takes them at least a good hour to get their 'motor' going... i do suspect that maybe the majority of those who experience hypnogogic sleep are in a period in their lives that they fall in the group of slow to get their motor running upon awaking.
there seems to be a link between sleep, and the higher realms of consciousness that i would believe those who sleep more (and this seems to be happening alot the closer we get to 2012, more people sleeping alot longer or more frequently) - who are slow to awaken, are less tied to their physical density.
these are just my guesses and theories based on research ive done so i could be way off base i know... but i wanted to toss this out there, i think its plausible.
if it is then it could perhaps provide enough understanding of what exactly is going on that you can eliminate the fear and let the process take its course. dont fight it, let your body and soul merge together. and on that note, be mindful what it is thats causing it because sleep paralysis can also be caused by physical conditions that need to be looked at. i think only we ourselves can fully know the answer, and if you dont know i would suggest keeping a journal of what you dream and see and feel as you are coming out of it. in the dream state your higher self may be telling you theres something wrong, or theres nothing wrong and you can just tell. :d
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