Sleep Paralysis and other Sleep Experiences
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06-19-2012, 11:12 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
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Hello BothanSpy
I've had a similar experience with Sleep Paraylsis like yours. It was during last year where I probably endured most stress from school that I suddenly had sleep paralysis and vivid dreams. It was during these times that I started recording these dreams to interpret what issues my subconscious mind was giving me. At first I was very scared of sleep paralysis and never knew what it was. It was only until now, I'm stress-free and recently begun lucid dreaming through this method [please PM vilst for name]. This method required me to go through sleep paralysis which I encountered alot last year but this time I find it very hard to get into sleep paraylsis for lucid dreaming
. And about the aurora borealis effect, I'm not sure about what it really is but I encountered that during waking times I usually see like this flashing speck of light that travels through my peripheral vision and who knows what that could be.
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