Sleep Paralysis and other Sleep Experiences
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06-20-2012, 02:39 PM
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Oct 2005
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A couple years ago I had a very prophetic lucid dreaming experience. In fact, there have been many times in the last decade when I have gained very good control over my astral body as I slept. Some of these times were so real as to be totally indistinguishable from my waking life. Anyways, the prophetic dream I had concerned my family's move from our old home to where we now reside.
When I realized I was dreaming, I decided to project to a few years into the future. I said a rather arbitrary number, like five years (although it may have been just two). I was also able to decide upon where I wanted to be and being concerned with my personal life at the moment, I decided to appear in my old house. Yet when I got there, the entire place was empty. There was nothing left, only bare carpet, in each room. I think you may see where I'm going with this but a couple years after I had this experience, we moved out of that house. I was seeing my old place as it would look in the relatively near future (even though at the time of the dream, I had no reason at all to believe that we would be moving in 2012). There was no one living there but regardless if that ultimately changes given the dynamic nature of possible futures, the message was very clear. The only other distinct feature of the dream was that my mom was there and I tried to ask her what had happened to the house. She simply looked at me and shrugged.
This isn't the only lucid dream I have had and nor was it even the most realistic one. A more powerful one happened more recently in which I found myself in the ascended future everyone has been talking about. The energetic atmosphere of the Earth was totally different and it seemed like a magical place to be. I also felt for sure that it was real, as if I had just ascended. The sad thing is is that soon after that "realization" I woke up. The thing that seemed so real just a couple seconds ago faded quickly, leaving me really bummed out and angry at my guidance that it didn't give me a deeper explanation of the dream. To dangle something like this in front of a person who has been trying his hardest to stay optimistic under the current situation was really uncool. I have had this experience at least two other times and the third time it happened, I distinctly remembered not buying into it. The feeling was powerful but I said to the world around me something like, "whatever you may be trying to tell me, I cannot buy into this reality until I know it's real." And then I woke up...
The fact that a couple of these future ascension experiences were so real (in multiple ways) makes a part of me believe that they are reassurance that they are going to occur eventually. I just can't say when although I know I will get there even if it is not in the current form I find myself in. I really don't want to live another 60 or so years in this chaotic world and have to wait until I pass on to ascend... but we'll see what happens.
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