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Old 11-06-2010, 05:15 PM   #17

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hello everyone,

after a long while of following wilcock and many others, i've been trying to find explanations of all the "paranormal activities" (haha) or "myths" that we hear about. for instance, how psychic abilities work, how can this explain qigong, how is it possible for a person to set things on fire with only the energy emitted from the hands, dragons, vampires, werewolves, yeti, big foot, magicians, wizards and witches, ninjutsu (like abilities in ninja assassins), and of course ghosts.

after watching most of wilcock's videos, a video on human origins on youtube, following project camelot, reading "conversations with god" by neale donald walsch (not religious, everything falls in line with law of one), i see that everything i listed above is actually very possible.

i couldn't explain dragons before but now, it sort of makes sense. if you've watched videos where they talk about the serpent, well... the asian style dragons are serpent like. werewolves, vampire, yeti, and big foot could be defects of when the ets were creating us using their dna.

but now, ghosts... i downloaded some audio files on how to become more psychic or something like that and they mentioned something about how you can leave behind energy at your workplace, your room, home, etc. the example that was use is, "have you ever went into a room where the air just feels very thick?" well that is apparently the "residual" energy that was left behind. that's why some people hire exorcists to remove this aura or energy even though they probably think that you're getting rid of "evil" or what have you.

now what i also noticed is that there are 2 types of ghosts/"spirit beings". the ones i see on "ghost hunters" or this other ghost hunting show, they do not appear to be conscious about what they're doing. or rather, they don't seem to have human like personalities. they don't talk normally, they don't act like a human, they just seem sort of... blah.

the other type i hear about is where a spirit would come down and could communicate or (decides not to) where they appear human but they're sort of glowing. so these appear more human like where they have clothing and such where the typical ghosts appear sort of blue-ish. my friend took a picture where there was a bluish ghost in the background. but this ghost does not appear human. it looks more like a conventional ghost. the interesting thing about this story however, is that right before she took the picture, she just had the urge to take a "random" picture behind after all of her friends were already ahead of her (she was at a cemetary). what could that urge be? could the ghost be trying to communicate with her? or was she just sensitive to ghosts and felt the presence of it? so maybe this type of ghost could be part of the first type that i explained

i think there's a 3rd type. my mom has personally experienced this. the being would appear perfectly human. she's on a "beat up" wooden boat with this old woman, my mom turns around to try to help get water out of the boat, my mom turns around and the woman is gone, and she instantly teleported to the other side of the shore with the boat (when she turned around, she has already arrived on the other side - her destination - which would have been impossible as it was really far away).

so here's my explanation for them so far. i hope someone else can help me shed light on this as well. the first type is the stereotypical ghost. my explanation for this is that they're not really spirits but the residual energy/ leftover aura of the person who lived there before. it seems like the the spirit that was the most impacted when it had the human body had a stronger energy that was left behind and therefore we sometimes see the ghosts. these ghosts don't have a mind of their own and is just there. now, what i don't quite understand is if the stories of haunted houses are true, how can one of these spirits physically touch another? could it be that when their energy is more dense, we can start to physically feel them? what about stories where it appears that this ghosts is shuffling paper, or knocking on the window, tapping on the shoulder, or even scratching or harming another person? maybe their past life was so horrid that their leftover energy is so strong and full of hatred, that it "acts" this way? if someone has an explanation, please share it here.

the next type of ghost/spirit is the one that just shows up in human-like form with a glow to it. these definitely appear to be spirits... but are these spirits still is "spirit world" or are they higher density beings? what if you know this particular appearance of the being? for instance, it's a loved one or a relative, a best friend? it almost seems like they're visiting while they're in between lives to "check" up on us or better yet, let us know that everything is going to be alright. "i'll always be by your side" message or something.
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