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Old 01-08-2010, 02:18 AM   #12

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Oct 2005
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i wish i could answer your questions. i can only tell you what i do believe i know and have experienced. my daughter is psychic. she's been seeing ghosts since she was in her early teens, maybe even about 12 years old. what i believe is ghosts are the soul of a person who has passed and is unwilling to leave because of a strong attachment to someone or something and refuse to leave, or they are unaware of their own circumstance and don't know they have passed. i didn't have any experiences of my own until last summer while i stayed with my daughter and granddaughter. her husband was overseas serving in iraq and i was there to keep her company and help with the baby. we slept together in the same bed. she had told me her apartment was haunted and that she felt the ghost didn't like her. it would make noises when she was home alone just her and the baby. so one night as we lay in bed together all tucked in to sleep i felt what felt like the touch of a hand on my knee through the blanket. it startled me, but i stayed quiet and paid attention to what i was feeling. after a moment i moved my knee. he picked up his hand. at this point i'm also looking down at my blankets. i had some illumination from a light coming through the window. i could see a depression in the blanket. in a few moments i felt the light pressure through the blankets higher up on my thigh. i spoke to my daughter at that point and told her i was being touched. she said "oh, so finally he's made himself known. he does this to me almost everynight and i really get irritated." the following night it happened again, but this time i felt something going across the back of the mattress and over my pillow at the head of her bed. we again were laying in bed together trying to go to sleep when this happened. we both thought it was the cat, but i spoke up and she had felt it too, but on her end at the same exact time. we checked the room and the cat was not in the room. i later asked a channel about the ghost and found out it was the owner of the apartment building we were in who had passed on many years ago. he had an attachment to the apartments and made a lot of money with it. he also had an attachment to a chair. i had to verbally tell him to please leave me alone and let me sleep and he did. i was told he was unwilling to leave, was not truly aware of his circumstances. ra was speaking through the channel and said they would try to help him move on. the last i knew of what was going on with him was once my son-in-law returned from iraq the ghost showed up one night banging on the apartment door. he was on the outside at that point. my daughter went to the door late at night and looked through the peep hole and there he was looking at her. my daughter and her husband and baby have since moved out to another apartment. i think the main thing you need to know is they are stuck for one reason or other. they need to return so they can move on and continue their journey. otherwise they can be stuck for hundreds of years, maybe longer.
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