Have you experienced any new "abilities"?
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01-02-2008, 02:28 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
the stuff i've been experiencing hasn't just started. i'm not really sure how or why it happens, it just sort of does. i was following someone to a friends house out in the country one night. i had never been there before so i had no idea where we were driving. so i'm driving alone doing about 55 mph and i see the car infront of me hit their brake lights, then hit the turn signal, then turn left into the drive way. this all happend in a matter of seconds. (the person driving infront of me wasn't a very good driver.) so like a normal person i turn right and try to go around them, however since it was dark i didn't see the ditch on the right side of the road. i hit the ditch sideways and my car starts rolling with me and about four people in the car! all of a sudden i feel this pulling motion go through me and in the blink of an eye i'm back driving on the road following the car like nothing happened. for a second i thought i was just day dreaming the whole thing, but then (just like before) i see the car infront of me hit the breaks and start to turn left. this time i turn left and drive infront of the car and go around it that way! we slid about ten feet on the gravel road and that was it. needless to say, the people in my car flipped out. when they asked me why i went left instead of right like a normal person i told them about what i "saw" and that i knew we would have gotten hurt if i would've gone the other way. that happened about ten years ago, and since then its happened about five more times. i also found out that on my mothers side of the family, things like this happen alot. not just preminitions, but also some degree of telepathy with animals. weird, i know.
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