Have you experienced any new "abilities"?
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03-03-2008, 04:20 AM
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Oct 2005
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hey man, i have those little points of light too. when i first got them, they were white or blue, and i didn't think much of them. then i noticed that sometimes i would get a red one, usually right before i was to do something stupid. so i took the red as "stop" and the blue as "go" or "everything's ok."
then i read that sparks of light are one of the warning signs of a detached retina and freaked out, since i'd been having them for years. so i went to the doctor's and got a full check - nothing wrong, knock on wood.
as for the sex and lucid dreaming thing; i've had the same experience and i think that what happens is that lucid dreaming requires the participation of one of the higher chakras; probably the vishuddha or ajna chakra but i don't know for sure. when you engage in sexual activity, or a simulation of such in the dream state, i think that the savadhisthana chakra activates and consciousness gets fixated at that lower level, shutting off the higher ones.
just a guess.
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