UFO, Never Doubt Again
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06-14-2007, 05:55 PM
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Oct 2005
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dear friends,
be well, be love.
roswell 1947 ufo crash finally resolved
june 12, 2007
finally the truth is told about the roswell incident!
after 60 years, the speculation is over!
the last living survivor of the 1947 incident tells his, and his father's story.
the roswell legacy by jesse marcel, jr.
to be released worldwide july 4, 2007
at the 60th anniversary roswell festival in
roswell, nm, july 5-8
[june 12, 2007, helena, mt] 1986, on his death bed, retired major jesse marcel told his son; "you must tell the world the truth about roswell. when the military no longer has a hold over you and your family, please set the record straight!"
major jesse marcel was the head of intelligence at an army air field located at roswell, new mexico. on july 7, 1947 major marcel was sent to inspect what was being reported as the crash of an unidentified object on a ranch seventy-five miles northwest of the base. after inspecting the crash site, marcel stopped by his home to show his family what he had discovered. jesse jr. was only eleven years old at the time, but vividly remembers his father's excitement, and seeing and handling a foil-like material that his father said was scattered around the wreckage. it was shiny and paper thin, but could not be torn or cut. it also retained a memory, mysteriously unfolding each time his father tried to fold it. and then there was that beam of metal several feet long, which was covered with hieroglyphic-type writing and markings. it was indeed something that was not of this world.
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