UFO, Never Doubt Again
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06-20-2007, 07:01 PM
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Oct 2005
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dear friends,
be well, be love.
lt walter haut's notarized affidavit verifying roswell egg shaped craft signed pre death in 2002 c2c
cast to coast am radio show 1390 farmington nm ^ | 19 jun 2007 | william j birnes
posted on 06/19/2007 11:03:02 pm pdt by quix
admin moderator . . .
i don't think i've ever posted in breaking news--not more than once or twice, in any case. and, i virtually always post this topic in chat per various sensibilities.
however, this year, a number of us have been waiting for more serious disclosure to break to the surface from officials.
this is such a break through. this report following--partially transcribed off the radio from coast to coast--relates to the military officer in 1947 responsible for writing the first press release describing the ufo crash--and then being ordered by col blanchard to recant.
this report is from a signed pre-death affidavit by lt walter haut in 2002 verifying specific facts of the ufo crash and the aliens involved.
i seriously believe this is worth a breaking news slot.
however, if you disagree, i certainly submit to your leadership and right to move it to chat. partial transcription follows. i did my best on the fly and got most of the key phrases. most of the wording is verbatim with occasional equal substitutions for brevity in typing:
c2c 19 jun 2007
lt walter haut sp? guest bill birnes.
in-depth to be in upcoming book witness to roswell
recap what’s been known—haut being ordered by col blanchard to write the press release about the ufo being real; then being ordered to recant it etc.
walter haut had seen the real wreckage. jesse marcel had also seen the real wreckage.
he begins—a regular format of an affidavit 2002; sworn before a witness and notarized by a local notary.
he was aware that someone had reported the remains of a downed vehicle the morning of july 7 1947.
then he was aware of growing reports from the civilian sector. people were crawling over the place where the vehicle had been downed.
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