UFO, Never Doubt Again
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06-29-2007, 08:08 PM
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Oct 2005
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dear friends,
this info is speculative to be sure, but one has to have an open mind and consider that this "may" have happened. wik is not always a realiable source for info as anyone, as far as i know, can post something there as being the "truth." the "truth" for one is not always the "truth" for another - re-member always though - use your discernment.
find "your" truth for it is within you ;-)
and these links of the object;
apollo 17 shots at:
a number of apollo 15 shots of the same object are available here:
be wll, be love.
new evidences provided by william rutledge, cdr of the apollo 20 crew
new and baffling video footages on youtube provided by w. rutledge seem to corroborate his amazing story
by luca scantamburlo
italian journalist
a few weeks ago i interviewed a man by the name of william rutledge, who has been claiming his identity: he would have been an astronaut during the ‘70s, employed by the usaf in collaboration with nasa during a secret space mission. my interview was carried out by my youtube account/general messages. william rutledge registered himself on youtube as a man of 76 years old (youtube user: “retiredafb”), who now lives in rwanda. he told me he is an american citizen, now civilian, born in belgium in 1930 and employed by usaf as test pilot on various aircrafts.
according to his report supported by some outstanding videos uploaded on youtube since april 2007, after the apollo 17 (december 1972) and the “apollo18-soyuz” mission taken place in july 1975, there were other two missions on the moon: the apollo 19 (failed because of <a loss of telemetry, a brutal end of mission without data>, see the interview with w.rutledge) and the apollo 20 (august 1976), which were both classifed space missions launched from the vandenberg air force base (california).
officially many apollo missions were canceled by nasa during the project apollo, included the apollo 20 (canceled in 1970).
the goal of these two presumed secret joint space mission, result of an american-soviet collaboration, was to reach the backside of the moon (the delporte-izsak region, close to the well-known tsiolkovsky crater) and to explore a huge object found out during the apollo 15 mission. what the apollo 20 crew found, it was a huge and ancient alien spaceship, (w. rutledge).
and as a matter of fact, some official nasa pictures archived by the lpi (the lunar and planetary institute in houston), which is “a research institute that provides support services to nasa and the planetary science community” (
, show a strange and big object on the far side of the moon. lpi is “is managed by the universities space research association (usra)”.
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