UFO, Never Doubt Again
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07-07-2007, 11:49 PM
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Oct 2005
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dear friends,
roswell ufo incident: cover-up or sci-fi?
here's part ii;
roswell ufo incident part 2: surprise witness
be well, be love.
sixty years ago one of the most enduring mysteries of modern times burst into the public arena. it was the roswell incident, the reported crash of a flying saucer.
leave your trace on the roswell blog.
the u.s. military says it's all a misunderstanding caused by a downed weather balloon, but the official story keeps changing, and the roswell legend won't go away.
the i-team has been digging into the roswell crash for many years. one of the reasons for our interest in roswell is its purported relationship to nevada's own area 51, which carries its own legacy regarding crashed ufos.
on july 5th, sixty years ago, a new mexico rancher named mac brazel gathered up a pile of strange debris and headed into town. his find led to an astonishing announcement by our military that a flying saucer had been recovered.
for some, the story has been discredited. maybe not.
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