Poll: What level of ET contact have you had in your life?
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05-19-2010, 03:56 PM
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Oct 2005
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it seems "et's" have been instructing my family for generations. i've read mostly negative scenarios. there is an abundance of "fear" with most material out there..
i don't talk about my experiences much because of the negativity associated with et "abductions", but i feel comfortable expressing some of my experiences here. my encounters are all good.
i've been taken aboard "ships" several times. i've been trained by the "entities" i've encountered to heal a planet, among other things.
in the early 90's there was an earthquake in japan. (i understand there is a major fault/opening in the earth's crust under the ocean.)
i was "beamed" aboard a "ship" with other "humans" like me. we were standing on an observation deck overlooking the pacific/japan.
et entities were there to assist us "humans" in a ratio of 1 to 1. the et's had trained us how to shoot universal/unconditional love energy from our "heart" chakras. simultaieously, each et put their right hand on "our" right shoulders. with the touch came a voice in my mind, "we've taught you how to heal this planet and the time is now!"
with that "command" bright white light energy shot out of our chests in unison, like the visual image of "star trek photon torpedos" into the open fault near japan.
it was as if the "proceedure" was meant to "cauterise" the "wound" in the planet's crust.
then it was done. i had the feeling that the "proceedure" was a success. i was "beamed" back to my bed.
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