Twin Flame
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04-23-2008, 10:58 PM
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Oct 2005
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the twin flame reunion
"two bodies - one soul"
twin flames originate from the same essence or soul that was created by father/mother god from the great field of unconditional love and being. that one essence divided itself into two equal and opposite halves in order to experience relationship and form. in the beginning the twin flames remained totally united and existed as a trinitized _expression of the divine source of all that is. but as the third dimensional experience unfolded they separated into a system of duality and became two distinct forms, one carrying the masculine (yang) attributes of the creator, and the other the feminine (yin), both in the exact equal and opposite frequency intonation. now through a gracious dispensation granted by the creator, the twin flames from all frequencies are reuniting again in order to restore the unity of all creations and to collapse duality consciousness.
from "twin souls: finding your true spiritual partner," by dr maurie pressman and patricia joudry. used with permission.
copyright © mary mageau that's exactly what i read in a book several years ago, by an author i'm fond of.
i'm just not sure though.
and we have to remember that many of us will not be with our real "twin soul" in this particular life-time, although we can still build very meaningful relationships with another/ others who are we are compatible with.
with certain aspects in my astrological chart, i do feel the longing for my twin soul very acutely.
i just really, really have to try and be patient!!!
and have faith.....oh faith.
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