What nutrition style do you have?
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01-02-2010, 01:38 PM
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Oct 2005
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hi i would like to share my thoughts about the vegan diet and our transition to 4d.
i find it interesting that as we rise in frequency to the 4d we wish to eat a vegan diet.
i have been a vegetarian for 16 years but only the last 2 years eating a vegan diet, with no dairy, eggs, or honey.
i have found it has helped me feel much better and more in"tune" with my self and better concentration in meditation.
many books i am reading now share the same concept that as us humans evolve and add the next strand of our repressed dna we all will be vegan humans.
the sirian high council books that i just read mentioned that it is better not to eat the killed animals. the fear and pain and hurt goes into these animal bodies when they are tortured and killed and then into us humans when we eat them. the low frequency keeps us closer to the 3d and the fear reality and way of life. i believe this has been a way the dark forces used to keep us humans in the lower killing mode of behavior and keep us from contacting the higher light beings and higher spiritual qualities that we carryin us like unconditional love.
would anyone like to share their thoughts and feelings about if they have changed to a vegetarian diet and vegan diet lately due to the rising of our earth to 4d?
i have read that our planet has 40% percent vegetarian people now and rising.
i just read some things that talked about beings from andromeda who are 5d and they are fruitarians. i can see us humans evolving to 4d with vegan diet than 5d as fruitarians.
as i understand the fruitarian diet beings only eat foods that can be plucked from a plant or tree, bush without hurting the plant itself. foods like tomato or cucumber and oranges and nuts, berries. because vegetable that are cut like lettuce, parsley have a "scared conciousnes" because the plant has an awarness. when a plant is cut it it gets a "scared feeling" that goes into the plant and you will get this into you when you eat it.
they may eat wheat or brown rise because it is only harvested after the plant is dried out and does not have any conciousness.
so i see that the 5d people are very sensitive to this and only eat foods that are karma free.
i am thinking that 6d beings would not have to eat anything just get their energy from the light.
there are now many web sites that talk about mass raising of animals for food is causing harm to our planet earth. the animals give out methaine gas that is causing global warming and drastic climate changes. there was a climate conference in copenhagan in december 2009 which talked some about this concept.
it would be better for the planet and us humans if we stopped raising animals and ate a vegan diet. if we all stopped buying this "dead meat food" , "dead fish food" then we could use the money to plant more organic farms around the world. the resources of water and grains that are given to animals could be better used for starving people on our planet.
please share your positive feelings about the vegan diet as helping you in anyway.
please refrain from posting to advance the animal eating diet because i believe this is already "old stuff" and soon will vanish from our planet as a way of eating. thank you.
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