Freedom System - The Fraud of all Frauds [SIZE=4]“In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell Good people do evil deeds when they are deceived. – Natural Law A “Freedom System” is an oxymoron (mutually exclusive terms). All Systems apply old solutions to unique circumstances (reality is always unique). “The only constant is change!” - Isaac Asimov For people to accept Systems we must be deceived to abandon this Truth. Systems attempt to freeze reality, reality refuses to be frozen. Applying a System to Reality is like attempting to capture a waterfall in a bucket. Man is real and capable of handling Reality; Systems are artificial and can’t cope with Reality. The practice used to overcome this Truth is Deception. The foundation of all Systems is Deception. All the problems of Systems can be traced to Deception. The Controllers of this World will always advocate for systems, they are addicted to exploitation made possible by Deception and Systems. Computer programs are useful tools, but even if it “learns” it must first make a mistake by applying an old solution before it can consider its solution was in error, the error is compounded because we are assuming it recognizes it’s error as such. Deception is so pervasive that the only solution in history has been falsely labeled a System when in fact it advocates for unique spontaneous responses to all situations, and compassion. We now call this teaching Buddh-ism to force this teaching to masquerade as a System and conceal its true nature. This serves to conceal the solution to Systems. All threats to Systems must be hidden. -ism = indicating a doctrine, system, or body of principles and practices