Thread: After death...
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Old 06-09-2009, 01:21 AM   #7

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i recently lost my sister unexpectedly on april 6th, 2009. she took her husband to meet his ride to work around 6am that morning, and when her and her two children arrived back home, they all went down for a nap before my nephew had to go to school at 8am. i received a call from him around 9am saying he could not wake mommy. her heart gave out from what we understand. . . .

. . . i just want to hear some thoughts on how she is now... i know this world is an illusion, but its so difficult to not wonder where she might be, did she suffer or was she scared, and will we be reunited? i'm very strong in spirit, i love the world and everything in it, but losing her has challenged me with something i thought i would never have to face until we were much older. i'm helping care for her two children, trenton (10) and natalie (5). they keep me from teetering into the abyss of severe depression, but there is not a minute that passes that i don't think about her and wish that she was still with me. it tears me apart throughout each day. . . .

. . . thank you for being an extension of my small family. love to you all.

hello brandon. i really appreciate your post today; it's an incredible synchronicity for me personally to read the account of your dear sister's passing, and thus i am compelled to reply.

there are things that i "know" and things that i know . . . for example, i no longer live in fear as i did when deep in fear-based christology. so there is part of me that rejoices when someone returns to the interlife -- for that is where we "go" i believe.

however, i also feel tremendous sadness such as you describe. i myself am currently dealing with significant third-density losses; there are moments where i find the tears welling up, and there are days when i ask myself, why did i choose this path??!!! i get intermediate -- inter - mediate -- answers, meaning that they lead me along further, but there is always another bend in the road ahead.

yet at the deepest level i do have faith that it is ultimately for the highest good, despite whatever temporal perspective might cloud my vision.

then i recall something david once said: you are the way you are right now because this is the way you can learn the most.

i attended david's ny convergence. the first night of the conference, he talked about this very subject: what happens after we die. he called upon the research of a man named dr. michael newton. (i did my best to take good notes, but as i recently wrote to david and his mom, marta, it was like trying to take a drink from a firehose! )

david told us that most souls do not become ghosts. immediately after death, we become aware of a tube of light, like gossamer. our minds work differently after death; we no longer have the third-density emotions of jealousy, anger, and so on. we go through a tunnel, reach a point of light, and see people we care about who have already left third density. we are then blasted with compassionate energy, which serves to wash away all negativity and pain.

eventually we become aware of our spirit guide. this is the one who was with us throughout our third density incarnation, but whose presence we might have been ignorant of, depending upon our spiritual maturity. we have counsel with our guide, go through a life review, and eventually decide what our next incarnation will be.

edgar cayce talks about incarnating on other planets, that we might eventually reincarnate on earth and bring with us lessons learned on those other planets.

so, to answer your questions: if she felt any pain, it was but momentary, i believe. perhaps she might have been scared for a moment, also. i'm a mom, and the first thing i would think of is, i can't leave my children. but the work of edgar cayce and others tells us that we actually choose our lives, and perhaps your sister chose this path for some higher good that has yet to be revealed. will you be reunited? absolutely! we move in soul groups, as i understand it, and you will definitely see your dear sister again. you can count on it!

the ny event was an amazing conference. the discussion about what happens after death and another metaphysical discussion really cohered our group. david talked about the god reflex, which is our projection of god onto our parents and other loved ones. so when we lose a loved one, it's that pain of feeling cut off from god. the god reflex is part of our distortion here . . . it brings us closer and it also tears us apart.

i hope my words are helpful to you and your family. i know that everyone must come to an understanding and a "knowing" from within, and i hope that as you study, meditate, pray, and just plain live your life every day, you will find that peace that transcends our third-density understanding.
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