i recently lost my sister unexpectedly on april 6th, 2009. she took her husband to meet his ride to work around 6am that morning, and when her and her two children arrived back home, they all went down for a nap before my nephew had to go to school at 8am. i received a call from him around 9am saying he could not wake mommy. her heart gave out from what we understand. . . . . . . i just want to hear some thoughts on how she is now... i know this world is an illusion, but its so difficult to not wonder where she might be, did she suffer or was she scared, and will we be reunited? i'm very strong in spirit, i love the world and everything in it, but losing her has challenged me with something i thought i would never have to face until we were much older. i'm helping care for her two children, trenton (10) and natalie (5). they keep me from teetering into the abyss of severe depression, but there is not a minute that passes that i don't think about her and wish that she was still with me. it tears me apart throughout each day. . . . . . . thank you for being an extension of my small family. love to you all. brandon