After death...
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08-18-2009, 06:37 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi brandon,
so sorry to hear of your sisters passing - i am sending lots of loving healing thoughts to you from here in the uk. you should get them by the time i finish this as i have visualised them reaching you right now
my heart goes out to you and i am sure that with all the lovely replies the wonderful people of this forum have given you, you are almost certainly in a better emotional place now, than when you started this thread.
there is not really that much more i can add to the wonderful replies you have already received but to confirm my own belief that you will see each other again. your sister is watching over you all now. in a world where far too many people do not understand the concept of taking any kind of responsibility for themselves and others, i applaud your dedication in your commitment to having an active interest in the childrens future upbringing and care.
i do not think for a moment that your sister suffered to any extent, if at all. the thing is as others have said on this site, we all choose this life prior to incarnating here and with that we all choose how we go even if it makes little sense to our families who get left behind. thank goodness your lovely sister went the way she did - not with a long drawn out illness. of course much better she did not go at all.
having lost a few friends to aids, i know the devastating impact for those left behind. i have to say that since my awakening, i see and feel the bigger picture. i am not saying if anyone close to me did pass, i would not be devasted, i am saying now i know the truth i would face it from a different angle. we will all meet up again and i think the change coming is going to be sooner rather than later. for now, take comfort in this.
re your comment about trenton and natalie keeping you from teetering into the abyss of severe depression, keep taking strength from them and allow them to stop you going down that route. trust me, i have been down that road and have experienced the deepest darkest depressive states that anyone can imagine. you do not want to go there! i spent years getting back to normality and thank goodness i have managed to bounce back. dont even go there!! stay strong for the children and allow yourself to grieve too. it is ok to cry, it is ok to shout and it is ok to get angry. let it out - dont keep it in and get depressed.
i am no expert on anything apart from spending 42 years in the university of life. we all need kind words of support and encouragement at times. i hope you get as many as you and your family need to get you through this, oh and come out smiling, knowing you were so very fortunate to have been blessed with such a super sister.
finally, do your best to bring the children up in the way their mum would be proud - remember you will have to answer to her when you all meet again
may god bless you all,
with love and light,
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