Question about pineal activation
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07-25-2008, 02:11 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi logan91. it sounds like you have activated your crown chakra and your 3rd eye simutaneously, hence the stream of energy and light streaming through your eyes. is the energy circulating only in your head or throughout your body? if it's coming through the crown, circulating in the head and then exiting through the crown again, it probably means you have one or more blocked or underactive chakras. these need to be unblocked or balanced.
the pressure you feel between your eyes may mean a further activation of the 3rd eye but i wouldn't encourage you try to open it further on your own until the rest of your energy centres are cleared and balanced. perhaps the other forum members would like to comment?
this balancing will enable the full light body activation to take place and allow the energy to flow freely.
the point is - what does all this mean to you and what do you want to do with this energy? there's heaps of information available if you need to learn about these things. accept whatever resonates with you. as for the experience with the light, well, just take it and accept it for what it is -an experience!
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