Question about pineal activation
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09-26-2008, 09:11 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
well, i just wanna jump on the soapbox for a second on this subject to simply "throw this out there."
i feel that we if get stuck on the "mechanics" of it, it might keep us from moving forward.
what im saying is that we dont have to know how the sun works to know that it is warm and it will grow your crops, right?
its a way of tying us down to our bodies really, if we keep considering how this little gland works and what chemicals it releases and when. its so much more than body mechanics! its all you, its your choice, its your ability. it doesnt matter when your pineal is active or not, what matters is when you open up your spirit.
my only example to offer is that of my own experience as of late. i was so hooked on how to get my pineal to work an even meditated on watching it release chemicals and start me the same time, i got little to no resulsts from that. it was keeping me essentially tied to my body and its functions instead of just knowing that my choice makes my body do things, as a limb or appendage of my consciousness so to say.
once i got past the fact that this little gland was responsible for the physical manifestation of my created action and nothing more, and realized truly that its me doing it and no little glad is going to do it for me, just like a person or another entity couldnt do it for me.
am i making sense? lol...
either way, in light of my "getting past the operations of my body" concerning spirituality/consciousness/meditiation/etc, i have now even embarked upon channelling through auto writing and am starting contact with a 5th density level being, which has absolutely floored me, yet comforted me at the same time.
its all about you and your choices, not you and the ol' meat bag your using for the time the same time im not sure if the success ive had as previously mentioned, would be universal or not. either way it would be good to keep in mind that you dont want to get stuck in bodily functions for anything, no matter what it is...
...and thats just my two cents.
over and out.
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