Benjamin Fulford
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08-16-2007, 10:11 PM
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Oct 2005
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i'd like to offer the following response to fulford's latest as a reflection of my own personal investment in this stream of information, and in service to our ongoing consideration of this material together. if there's one thing i feel forums have helped me recognize and appreciate in an actively conscious way, it is that how i relate to emerging information (of any kind), is every bit as important as the information itself, since what is at stake is not just whether such information is true or false, but my own relation to reality altogether on the basis of my relation to information about reality.
part 1
it's good to see fulford is still sharing information.
i also noticed that the dead link on his personal website titled "anti-semitism is anti-satanism" is now active, and that it links to an essay that's pretty straightforward in explaining what that very strange title actually means.
these are strange days indeed. . .to find oneself taking in this kind of blow-by-blow activity on the lo-fi medium of the internet, no less.... so according to fulford's latest installment, the benign chinese secret society he claims to represent has been taken seriously by the negative elite these globally-positioned chinese good-guys intend to counter, with positive results likely to be made publicly visible sometime this fall for all to see.
fwiw, my own internal dialogue in response runs as follows: it's all folklore, until it isn't. it's all just another story, a possible description of a possible reality. if and when concrete events verify, in one way or another, the veracity of fulford's truth-claims, i'll have real information to go on. until then, as with the recent haiti ufo video's, the twilight zone of uncertainty between possible stories (and you tube videos!) about reality, and the actual reality they seek to describe remains firmly in place. uncertainty, as an openness to many possibilities while taking none to be the case, is the most accurate relation to reality i can have, without some kind of concrete evidence to instill a sense of reasonable belief. holding uncertainty as my conscious cognitive perspective in this rigorously intentional way maximizes my experience of free-will.
objective story subjective uncertainty
holding the essential tension between these two dimensions of information-reception remains my primary focus, if and until objective evidence permits me to believe any story to accurately describe the way things actually are.
i am personally very grateful that fulford has more to offer, and that the initial results of his overall public disclosure (story or otherwise) appear to be potentially benign, possibly in service to a positive revolution that might be global in scope.
i hold this hope alongside the possibility that fulford's presentation may also be one-sided, limited, and/or premature, intentionally or otherwise. this too is always possible. uncertainty demands this be taken into account.
as per usual, one can only wait and see, and hope for the best....
part 2
part of the reason why i feel drawn to share this basic level of information analysis with others here is because i feel personally quite connected to the drama of the imminent, progressive exposure of the negative elite on earth. for years my dreamlife has guided me through visionary meetings and visitations with secret society's with startling poignancy. my most recent encounter in dreamtime, several months ago, which preceded fulford's public disclosure, found me sharing conversation with two high-ranking illuminati members, one of whom signified his recognition that i knew who he was in his abstract, indirect, superior way. his monologue was punctuated by him drawing forth three secret symbols from behind the lapel of his fine suit, and throwing them like daggers into the window curtain on the far end of the room. upon throwing the third symbol/dagger, the curtain lit up in flames, and i felt deeply struck by the unwavering confidence and utterly entitled conviction this man -- and others like him -- have for taking over the world.
my dream moved on, the second part in which i found myself at a private illuminati party. the theme was christmas, and i found myself observing the strangeness of many well-to-do people wearing masks and wearing only the finest threads. i was standing next to a christmas tree, which, to my shock, was decorated with deeply profane symbols and dolls, including one of hitler hanging from a noose. (i had not yet seen kubrick's film about a secret society costume orgy. shortly after this dream, i did so.)
the third part of the dream found me in the basement of this same party, at a large banquet behind closed doors, where there was a gathering vibe of group energy building in the space, until at one point it reached such a pitch of intensity that everyone suddenly locked arms -- someone grabbing mine -- and i felt a demonic current flow through everyone in the room in a kind of collective euphoric frenzy as this power enveloped everyone into a unity of dark intent. it was at that point that i found myself reciting a name of god, and effortlessly disengaging from this scene, floating up away from it altogether, restored to my essential freedom.
[end of dream]
shortly after having this disturbing dream, i read an article online somewhere describing an illuminati costumed party called a "feast of heaven and hell" that reminded me very much like the party in the second part of my dream. i took note of this, and wondered to what extent my dream was some kind of visionary alert of things to come.
noting the above, when fulford's amazing public disclosures came online, i felt their pivotal importance with a sense of bone-deep personal relevance. in this light, it would be very easy for me to accept fulford's claims at face value, given the felt correspondence with my dream life, as well as just my own subjective feeling about fulford himself being a straight-shooter with nothing to hide.
but it seems worth saying, even repeatedly and in many different ways, that the primary value of both intuitive visionary dreams i have like these, as with the value of emerging information like fulford's, is in offering me a chance to remain open to
possibilities to a kind of detailed extreme, one perhaps not possible without them. this, rather than either leaping to prematurely belief in one possibility over and against others before adequate evidence presents itself. and this, too, rather than closing my mind to all possibilities, and remaining unnecessarily skeptical.
and so i choose to
open to fulford's claims in a detailed way, which also means remaining cognitively uncertain to a rigorous extreme -- in proportion to the level of unverified detail i am choosing to be open to, and not closing my mind prematurely by either accepting or rejecting the information given. i find this cognitive move to be therapeutic and restorative in preserving my felt sense of free-will before what would otherwise amount to unverified belief or cynical skepticism.
(i hope all this doesn't sound simple-minded or insulting to the intelligence of others. in actual fact -- and here i take a deep breath -- i feel that clarifying this relationship between being open and cognitive uncertainty amounts to a deep healing of a longstanding karmic wound related to my own possible involvement/captivity to an sts order along these lines in previous lifetimes. this much has been suggested, anyway, by other related dreams which i won't burden folks here with, apart from noting that i do not find this dream and others like them to be a reflection of my merely personal psyche. such dreams as these arrive with an enhanced feeling of some kind, accompanied by a deep gut-punch of emotionally chiseled, felt-truth. at the same time, i'm not without my personal shadow, which very well may include a deep-historical connection to these characters of some kind that is now being "recycled" perhaps.)
remaining intentionally open in cognitive uncertainty permits all possibilities their potential reality. cognitive uncertainty about reality is the mind's analogue to being ontologically open to emerging reality at the core.
standing in cognitive uncertainty takes work! so much so that i would so much prefer to have a story to believe....
but to believe prematurely information that has no evidence is to be knowingly immature in myself, and willing to sacrifice my sacrosanct free-will for a good story in its place. this level of subtle relinquishment of sovereignty at the level of information-reception is worth guarding against with sharpened awareness.
i would like to think that this way of reading current events -- vigilantly holding them in uncertainty as they continue to emerge and unfold -- may also be a positive way of participating in them, one that might maximize being open, and that this potent quality of being -- however cognitively uncertain it otherwise must be -- is itself a communicative, positive contribution in itself.
(on edit: my first posted version of this post was full of typo's, which i attribute not just to my own carelessness, but to the difficulty involved in deciding to share this level of personal information. coming back 24 hours later to re-read and revise my mistakes, i notice that i have felt a sense of enhanced connection to this space (dc), and the folks who are present here -- as well as to my own sense of reality in the undefined infinity of its total mystery. thank you, seth and others, for being here to help hold this space, as we bear witness to the playing out of current events in this particular context, and so many others....)
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