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10-04-2008, 11:28 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i just watched the movie stardust and realized it is all about the secret goings on on this planet the whole movie is basically one giant metaphor. i about jumped out of my seat when one of the brothers trying to become king is killed and he bleeds "blue" blood. the witches in the movie are trying to take out the female starpersons heart to gain power in thier realm. their is a giant stone gate that is guarded by an old man that if you cross over the laws change and certian entities lose thier power if they cross. very interesting movie. if one didnt know what was trying to be put across this movie really wouldnt make much sense. but i knew and could hardly contain my disbelief. while watching, i wanted to comment on the symbolism to my dad but thought it might break the law of confusion or whatever and he would probably just look at me funny.
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