Who else is feeling a little disconnected?
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07-25-2009, 05:24 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi j...and all...
[moderator: reference to channelling edited]
now before being introduced to david, i had a heart awakening, which was 5 years ago, july 2nd. i will never forget that date, it was pivitol for me. i "accidentally" wound up at a satsang when i thought i was going to learn how to eat holistically heart smart! all i can tell you is that i walked in there "jocelyn" and walked out of there the real jocelyn. many of my negative behaviors prior to walking in there were changed when i walked out, bam!
anyway, if you are feeling "disconnected", you may want to use this opportunity to turn your attention within yourself, because in the depth of your innerness is your connection with nothingness/silence and within that, or from that will spring truth and realizations for it is the place where all knowledge and all love origiates. this is just a suggestion, but if you find even an inkling of this essence you will be drawn to seek more of it, at least that is what my experience has been (and still is!).
when i was in my late teen and early 20's, i already knew we were all one. i have poetry that i wrote, pages and pages about being free and being one, and why can't everyone see that, etc, etc...
because of this knowingness, that at the time i had no "book" knowledge of i felt very disconnected and very misunderstood, and very led me down the path (21 years worth) of severe alcoholism and attempted suicide, which thank heaven, led me to sobriety and in my quest for "conscious contact" with "god", i synchronistically was led by it (god), to my own spiritual awakening.
and in my experience there are constant new realizations, understandings, discernments, wisdom, huge love experiences
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