Death, the greatest con ever manifested
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10-12-2011, 07:14 AM
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Oct 2005
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Death, the greatest con ever manifested
a few days back i made an off-handed remark that essentially stated that death was the greatest con ever perpetrated on the terran species. the statement seems to have raised perturbation in some so i thought that i might have a go at clarifying the statement. what follows is not an opinion but perception built upon observations of the 3d environment that surrounds me and the scientific work of the university of virginia.
as is often required i will set some “rules” and/or “boundaries” for the discussion. first, death will be defined as that event that occurs when the physical body ceases to function. secondly, the death event itself must be separated from the emotional reaction that occurs in those who are associated with any particular occurrence of that event including the individual experiencing the actual event and those who are related, in some way, to that individual.
let’s begin by examining the event from a spiritual/metaphysical aspect. the primary reality one reaches early on when awakening to the spiritual/metaphysical existence of an entity in 3d is that we are not the physical vehicle. we are a consciousness, often referred to as the higher self, that is separate from and not a part of that vehicle. an analogy would be that of an automobile and its driver. the automobile is very analogous to a body in that it has devices that give it mobility along with an engine that provides propulsion and, in this day and age, computers and sensors which provide a level of intelligence or consciousness, if you will. regardless of the capabilities, the automobile still needs a driver to complete it functionality.
in time an automobile will wear out and cease to function or through an accident it can become non-functional, however, in most cases the driver is unaffected and will continue to function exactly as it did before. the automobile is merely a device that provides the driver with the mobility to access experiences in remote locations.
the same is true of the physical body. it is simply a vehicle through which the higher consciousness, our creator fragment, can experience 3d. the body may have inherent within it a personality strictly for interfacing with other-selves that is equivalent to the paint and body on the automobile but that is still not the “driver”. the body may have a part of it that can do conscious thought processes the same as the computers and sensors in an automobile but again that is not the driver. so you see we are not the body, we are truly an infinite, eternal consciousness that is a fragment of the original infinite creator.
the confidence game or scheme is done through persuasion and the gaining of the victim or mark’s confidence. the death con has been perpetrated down through the years by science, organized religion and other social structures which have had the confidence of the people and has used that confidence to persuade the general populace that they were their bodies. even religions for thousands of years have leaned heavily on the implication that the body was somehow important and not simply a vehicle for temporary use as evidenced by the burial rituals of ancient cultures.
this realization that the body is but a temporary vehicle is not to imply that a life stream is to be taken with little or no regard as that is diametrically opposed to the true reality that every life stream is sacred. however, the true reality remains that we are not the body and that the transition back into the energetic consciousness that we are, death, should not be mourned but celebrated for what it is--another “soul” completing another learning journey through 3d.
brother asa
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