Death, the greatest con ever manifested
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11-12-2011, 04:40 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
this is a good thread for 11.11.11
and to push the automobile theme a bit further we can see even more connections to current situations.
we can liken the idea of predetermining our life path to customizing a new vehicle online. one can go to a car manufacturer online and pick and choose the accessories that are comforting to the driver. furthermore, one can enhance certain features of the vehicle depending on the types of roadways or terrain one will be driving upon with the vehicle. some people like to go very fast while others like to drive up big mountains. the interesting thing about all this is, why we would pick out all the accessories and features custom for our adventure, and then forget what we even ordered to begin with. it's like having a new truck delivered to your home, not expecting it or knowing what it's for, and then to be told it's what you ordered. some even go as far as taking there new sports car onto mountain trails! it's as if they have no real idea of what it's designed for in the first place. i would guess that this is the joy of discovering it for yourself. well truth be told, there is no better teacher than experience.
so all in all, we are not the car we drive, and we equip ourselves to handle the many conditions we will encounter on the roads of life. sounds like a good time to me!
thanks for the post asa
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