Magic and Stuff
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10-28-2011, 04:40 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
ha ha ha!!! magic and stuff----yeah
for the last two years i have been working in these "spiritual shops" which the owners were practicing pagans. magic to them requires rituals to the moon and along with people and items. we needed visuals of earth, fire, water, air along with verbal chants. i was always wondering, if i just thought it, would it not just then become, but that is no fun you know. if you can't make/buy w/e a magic wand, then the whole being magic is pointless. the metaphors in their mind won't make sense. i just watched a video this last week that basically says which i agreed with, we have understand the ways of the "old" or earth bound ways in order to understand what is coming in the future. if i was on another planet, i would have to understand the functions there, i am on earth, i need to understand the five basic rules, and then i can expand. this made sense to me.
but everything is perception and built reality, what is an orange to one, is a nectarine to another, but its still the same color. ha.
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