Can Hair aid in Ascension?
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11-24-2011, 07:02 PM
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Nov 2005
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alright, lets go fishing, i'll be the fish and u b the fishermen i'll take ur bait.
why should i feel bad for liking my hair? i was born with hair, maybe you were also.
as a native american, the article makes sense to me, i highly doubt though, anyone is disabled for not having hair and being intuitive.
and no one should be wrong for loving their hair :d i really don't know giorgio tsoukalos because i believe he was on ancient aliens and i never watch tv so i don't know some people but apparently he has awesome hair also. and your not calling him a wheelchair.
why do i personally believe this article because i used to go camping, and we had bears attack our campsite, and i was the only one who woke up and heard the bears. everyone else sleept through our foodpacks being attacked. i also was the only one that would chase the bear away.
there are many buddha statues without any hair. maybe a person needs to be no hair to have a different enlightenment.
peace out.
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