Can Hair aid in Ascension?
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12-16-2011, 04:01 PM
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Oct 2005
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i can see why people would feel this way. i honestly think i would go along with thinking this but being honest i enjoy having a shaved head. now if i had very light thin hair (not that mine is thick but would like something like the elven people of fantasy stories) i might think differently but it seems to make me feel as if i am always wearing a coat. i know that this wouldn't resonate for some with hair because they probably feel naked or "lost" without it. but i feel much more free and focused without hair and think it works for my personality. it may have significance scientifically but i think if you vibe with it short great, if you vibe with it buzzed or bald great if you love it long than awesome!
also there are monks and military so who have baldilocks which can be seen as very different types of people, i don't like it though when people hide themselves through their hair just like i don't like it when people hide themselves through clothing that doesn't fit their real personality.
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