Questions about the 12/13 constellations-
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10-01-2008, 08:59 PM
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Oct 2005
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here's the post plus a very nice video from steve;
ophiuchus, the burning tower, and the doppelgänger universe
approximately 13,000 years ago the atlantean's were facing almost identical trials and tribulations as we are today. their choice: nuclear holocaust or human utopia. they were aligning with ophiuchus - the lost 13th sign of the zodiac - which symbolizes alignment with the center of the milky way galaxy, - and the choice of ascension for mankind. there are radioactive isotopes that look like cluster bombs in northern scandinavia and the northeastern united states that date back to atlantean times - and many have theorized that this was an ancient nuclear war between the atlanteans and rival factions - which ultimately resulted in their annihilation.
hopefully we decide to alter our doppelgänger history - to rise above such a catastrophe and end the time loop once and for all.
when the book of time turns to blank pages - and the prophets are blocked from viewing the future - it is not written that this will be the end of all things - but a new beginning - a phoenix from the ashes - an opportunity for the human race to write a new book - and fill it's pages with all the beauty of the cosmos. once and for all - we can claim our rightful position - on the throne of creation - as exploratory citizens of the universe.
first and foremost, remember everyone has their own opinions and biases. feel free to disregard whatever does not sit right with you. there are just some facts, interesting thoughts, insights, and interpretations that can come out of all the articles below and video presentations which follow.
i am sure there exists some individual scattered posts with some of the links i have already posted below. i felt if i posted them in the way presented below a good pattern begins to emerge and will paint a good picture.
encyclopedia background for those interested
now let us see if a pattern begins to emerge here.
first a bit about the mayans and 2012 - plumed serpent and their serpent rope:
now for some of the fun info on ophiuchus - the thirteenth (missing) constellation of our current zodiac
ophiuchus - the thirteenth constellation:
astrological attributes of ophiuchus – the 13th sign of the zodiac:
the thirteenth sign of the zodiac:
hope you are still interested . a bit more technical stuff on venus transits. in this article you will find a link between venus transits and ophiuchus
i hope the pattern is emerging for you. now some pieces come in crop circles. wonder what message is being communicated and by whom?
chute causeway and the sun-venus calendar: precise calculations of astronomical time from 1997 to 2013
both crop pictures from stanton 2007 told how many venus-sun conjunctions would be left until transit in 2012
we see a relationship emerging between the plumed serpent, serpent rope, ophiuchus(serpent holder), the venus transits(emergence of crop circle messages being decoded), and the galactic alignment with the center of the milky way galaxy(exactly where ophiuchus is located) in 2012. now to add a bit more to the puzzle . is this serpent related to wormholes? are the wormholes a stairway to heaven? is there something really hidden here that is so hard for many to digest or are these just ramblings of a bunch of loonies? remember all the loonies of the past became great teachers to the present.
serpent ropes, stargates/wormholes and bearded gods of all the major religions.
video presentation material – remember everyone has their own opinions and biases feel free to disregard what does not sit right with you, there are just many interesting thoughts, insights and interpretations in the following presentations:
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