double slit, conscious and unconscious mind
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07-06-2011, 01:31 PM
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Oct 2005
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thanks for feedback. good explanations for how it is possible.
(for those not familiar with the double slit experiment just do a word search, there are plenty of good explanations easily accessible on the web.)
my question concerns the consciousness aspect of the experiment. in a nutshell: observing with conscious awareness which slit the electron goes through collapses the wave into a particle.
i was curious what would happen if the unconscious awareness observed which slit the electron went through without the conscious aware mind knowing it. my guess is that this would collapse the wave into a particle for the unconscious mind only. however, the unconscious mind also knows what the conscious mind is thinking. therefore, the unconscious mind could see the electron as both a wave and a particle at the same time. a duel perspective if you will.
this may be the defining aspect of aware consciousness, and it's limitation, in that it can only see reality one way at a time; which may be a phenomenon of linear time thought.
i was wondering if anyone knew about any experiments/research regarding the unconscious minds observation of which slit the electron goes through? or quantum physics and the unconscious mind?
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