imho, yes, he did indeed exist, but didn't do many of the things he's credited for. the christian religion was, for the most part, created by constantine, (except for paul's [rather large] part) and he just rolled different aspects of many religions into one, so that it would appeal to a wider audience. yes i've seen zeitgeist, and it may not be perfect, but it raises many valid points. i still have some vague, past-life memories of fighting to the death, while trying to protect him, and it seemed pretty real to me. i don't know where you read this, but some of the historical writers of the time did indeed mention jesus. and also paul was not there at the time, and he did not witness "the son of god do miracles" because he never met him. paul didn't enter the picture until years after the death of jesus, so maybe that's why he didn't mention him.