Did Jesus exist or not??
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09-16-2008, 11:29 PM
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Oct 2005
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i think jesus was a real man. i believe alot of the real scriptures were burnt. i love reading the parables, i dont know who wrote them, but there is obviously a peace, love, understanding teaching that seems to be with the stories of christ. i think the symbolism of what he did has a much deeper meaning then what people are willing to look at. teachings of how to weigh what is of love and what is of darkness. i love the parables of the seed and the vineyard and the wine press. i love the parables of the yeast in the dough. these teachings might of even been older then christ, and he was able to go to the other countries and use his intuition in him to pass on what ever teachings of peace and love still existed.
there are 2 gospels that i love to read, ive posted them before. gospels of the holy twelve and the gospels of peace. they ring music in my ears. i dont know if they are truly from christ, but the message is true.
matthew 6 verse 22 the light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy while body shall be full of light.
i do believe christ is as much a part of us as we are of him. i believe in the story of how christ (the first of the first fruits) opened a 'new womb'...i think we get confused when people call christ the savior or messiah....they dont want to think that without christ we cant have eternal life. we have came a long way in understanding why peace and love are the only way. 2000 yrs ago, it may of been just what the people needed to ponder on...peace and love and the true ideas of why one should strive to be true unto themselves and true unto their other selves. i believe the reason christ was so rejected was he taught us to look within...the masses of the people were afraid of this, for it would take away the power that the temples and religion held over the people. he came to change their ways and they didn't want that.
peace to all,
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