Did Jesus exist or not??
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09-25-2008, 02:05 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i believe that jesus did indeed live in the time and place that it is recorded that he did. the very fact that a whole sect of jews of that time suddenly started following the way and that the traditions became so widely spread around that within 100 years of jesus' supposed death and ressurection there were followers in the whole eastern part of the mediterranean area indicates strongly that a real person by the name of jesus existed.
the eastern european and middle eastern traditions are not the only historical records of jesus' existance. there is an ancient text in a buddhist monastery in himmis in tibet that records some of the life of jesus, know there as issa, and relates his travels and teachings in what is now india, pakistan and kasmir. here is a link that provides a translation of the life of st. issa.
it is fascinating information.
blessing to all,
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