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Old 10-22-2010, 12:53 AM   #17

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everything i have heard on the subject says that, with very rare exceptions, suicide is a very bad choice. the rare exceptions include things like people who have a terminal disease and are in so much pain they just can't stand it anymore, etc. but for most people, the problem is that if you end your life prematurely, in a subsequent life you will basically have to start over and face the same challenges. go to some of the sites that deal with near-death experiences and read what people say who have attempted suicide - most will tell you it's a huge mistake.

typically suicide is viewed as a very selfish act (service to self, as david might put it). sometimes when people do it, it's because they figure they will show the world how bad they were treated (in other words, there's an element of revenge - it's the one last thing you can do to try and get back at those who have hurt you). but what they are not taking into account is the effect it will have on those around them that they might care about. very often, those left behind feel considerable sadness and even possibly guilt, wondering what they could or should have done (although i am saying that, i want to make it clear to you that it's his decision, so if he does ultimately follow through despite your efforts to help, you should not feel any guilt, because it's an act of selfishness that he has chosen).

one other thing i might ask is if he's explored areas of practical help. for example, if he has no or low income, he can almost certainly get food benefits (what are commonly called "food stamps" for reasons i've never understood, since the benefits have never been issued as stamps, at least not in my lifetime). if he has little or no assets (money in the bank, property in his name, etc.) he may also qualify for free or low cost medical care, and perhaps even housing assistance, depending on where you live (note there is no asset test for food benefits, at least in the place i live - those are strictly income based). if he's not previously been in this financial state, he may not even realize what's available just by applying at your local department of human services, or whatever they call it in your state (just ask any of your low-income neighbors if they can tell you where to apply for food stamps, and start there). also don't overlook medical and dental clinics that cater to those with limited or no incomes. in some states qualifying for food benefits also qualifies a person for other programs (for example, where i live you can get a free cell phone and 250 minutes of cell phone service per month for free, as long as you qualify - i'd mention the name of the company but someone might think i'm shilling for them, so i won't).

in many cities you can find out about some of these programs by dialing 211 from any landline phone (doesn't always work from cell phones or voip phones, though there's usually a toll-free number that can be used from those phones - usually if you call the local united way or community chest, they can give you the number to call in place of 211). also, if you call and mention that you have a friend that's thinking of committing suicide (and make sure you emphasize that it really is a friend, so they don't think it's you) they may be able to get him some professional help for dealing with that. he might also need some kind of financial counseling and again, the 211 people may be able to direct you to reputable help (not the ripoff artists that advertise on tv).

finally, i would say that you need to emphasize to your friend that a lot of people are in the same situation he is, and that there have been many others in that situation who have weathered the hard times and pulled out of it one way or another. as long as he is able to survive he should try to do so, because there might be an opportunity he doesn't even know about yet that will come his way, if only he holds on and doesn't give up prematurely.
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