The karma of suicide
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07-12-2010, 12:15 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i have a few simple thoughts for can be of value to this world in very very simple ways. you don't need anything other than the light inside yourself. no money in your pocket? no pollution control implemented? still have the wisdom from your life experiences which can be spun into gold.
as far as working a regular job to support just might have to do that. and it just might humble you . and push you to find the love in the moment. every moment. i am a student and work at bally's gym at the juice bar. there is this older gentleman who comes into my store beaming "where's those bbq potato chips?" and i say they are right over here..and i show him where they are because they are always being moved...and he brings them to the register and we chat about how tasty they are and anything else we feel like talking about and we smile at each other because we've brightened up our day together....that's what it is all about.
do i want to work there forever? no. do i even like working there at all? no. but i have to keep reminding myself that the love is here now within me....and i am helping to raise the vibration of this planet by living it.....and i do feel your pain because i have been at the point where i sat staring at my bottle of prescription pills trying to decide if i wanted to go down to the liquor store and buy a bottle of whisky to down along with about 12 of those pills...but i keep choosing life because we will all die sometime anyway so might as well die trying.....
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