The karma of suicide
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11-24-2010, 03:13 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
just to share my knowledge and give you maybe a new perspective.
in buddhism, the act of suicide amounts to major negative karma. because in buddhism teachings, one wants to detach oneself with the ego/self. meaning, you are not your body or your mind alone. you as a spiritual person wants to treat your body and mind as everyone else. you want to have compassion for everyone else and yourself because you are ultimately not just this body and mind.
by committing suicide, you as a spiritual person is actually killing another person - not just yourself. so the negative karma is huge on your soul or your true self whatever you want to call it.
anyways, i don't know if this will help or not .. i'm not sure if it's something your friend will want to hear since he's at such a low state in life .. he probably doesn't care much about these spiritual stuff. i just hope everything will be fine in the end.
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