Loosing my grip of reality
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11-19-2010, 06:16 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
i reckon i'd better get into the ra material.
i'm fairly certain i'm a wanderer too. i'm also constantly looking at the stars, and i'm so fortunate to live out of town here in the land of enchantment that i can even see the band of the milky way (native americans called it the star road).
it's funny a few years back i decided i am a sufferer of asperger's syndrome, which is a form of high functioning autism, but now i take it in stride as part of the symptoms of being a wanderer. i've always always always felt weird, not of this earth, different from other folks from the time i was very small, and i absolutely devoured books on the occult and weirdness from middle school on. i was reading the seth material, crowley, and alice bailey in my teens. that's some heavy reading for a 14 year old, lol.
i also have reclusive tendencies which i struggle to overcome, also had early problems with the church (i think i was getting in trouble around age 6 in catechism for asking hard to answer questions, and i clearly remember renouncing my catholicism because the grown ups insisted that animals have no souls), and i also always felt that most people are 'sensebound' (can't detect anything outside of their 5 senses).
why do you have to pay to live on a planet you were born on?
i think about this deeply. i feel super-strong connections to pre-reservation native cultures, perhaps because they lived in a self-sufficient, community based, non-economic and completely sustainable culture with deep connections to the world of spirit that worked until europeans came along and messed it up (and then had the audacity to call america free). and, trying to do my part on behalf of personal freedom and responsibility, i'm slooowly becoming self sufficient myself, growing as much food as i can, gonna build me an earthship and go off-grid (google it!). i think the native pre-colonialization way of life, while not entirely practical for us to go back to, offers us a blueprint or a model or a springboard of sorts for a new way of living in the coming age.
the earth religions are a belief system setup to control the masses.
one of many, perhaps. it's funny, no one even considers the possibility that money just isn't necessary. back to the native model, property was community owned, people used what they needed and gave away any excess. there was no lack. . .and no money. it's freakin awesome. this so called reality we are living in isn't all it's cracked up to be. i recently attended the ceremonial in san felipe pueblo...and i had an epiphany there, that this is what is real, they were doing what they've been doing for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, dancing the spirits down to earth. maybe 200 dancers, in traditional dress, all dancing in rhythm, their bare feet making contact with the earth, singing a prayer for corn, and the sky darkened and the rain fell. that was the most real thing i've ever experienced. take off your shoes and feel your mother beneath your feet. that"s what is real. earth. nature. spirit.
the cities are designed to cut us off from that. get out of that dang city. lol what a rant! i'll stop now:d
i'm so happy to have found this forum where i can actually make contact with other wanderers who 'get it!'
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