Tips for meditation
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03-04-2008, 10:08 PM
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Oct 2005
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you are destined to get many replies with many methods and many personal experiences. the problem with this is that you will not have the same experiences, nor should you. don't hold yourself to someone else's experiences or expectations. you create your own reality. in other words, don't let someone else define boundaries for you as this can serve to limit. make sense? these experiences are difficult to put into words, or to communicate to another. you just either know or you don't.
i have read this, heard that, practiced this, etc. - and i am not even close to seasoned like some of the other members of the forum. the most simple checklist i can offer would be this...
1) be sure to have a private space where you will not be easily distracted.
2) focus your mind to the task at hand - clear all other thoughts of yesterday, today, tomorrow.
3) relax and begin to think toughts of love.
3) clearly state your intent to yourself
(this could be meditating for peace, for knowledge, for healing, for communing with your higher self, etc. - intent, and
purity of intent
is the key to success, imo).
4) continue to focus your mind until it "becomes silent". some products claim this is hemispherical synchronization, where the chatter of the hemispheres can be ignored while you center yourself in your pineal/hypothalamus/pituitary complex
(hope i have that right about the hypothalamus - to be honest, my mind doesn't really become silent, i just get to a point where i can let thoughts flow freely and choose to let them go).
5) i guess you get to a point where you focus so sharply that your awareness explodes and thats where the true miracles happen...
ok, not as short as i'd like. some people use breathing techniques, certain postures while sitting, etc. some even meditate while walking - oh that can be pretty fun, just be careful not to walk into walls, people, traffic
. david wrote awhile back, and i definitely agree, maybe the only "requirement" for really effective meditation is to have the spine straight.
honestly, its up to you. what works for one won't necessarily work for another. and i'd suggest you keep trying this without the assistance of products. i got caught up in the binaural beats, which did help greatly at first, but limited me later on. growth was explosive then sharply fell and even became discontinuous. better off that you learn this the natural way.
having said that, if you are interested in binaural beats, you can pm me - but, i'd suggest again learning the natural way.
hope this helps!
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