Tips for meditation
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12-08-2008, 01:02 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi steve, and welcome to the dc discussions,
your question is a good one. as you probably know, the reason for keeping the back straight while meditating is so that energy can travel from the base chakra through all of the chakras to the crown. but there are other ways that you can use to move that energy.
one important method is visualization. by picturing in your mind the energy (chi) moving through each of your chakras, you can facilitate its movement.
another important method is breathing technique. i've heard it said in yoga class that "where the breath goes, the energy flows." you can practice breathing deeply in and focusing that breath on each individual chakra...sending it to that part of your body and seeing it energizing and opening the chakra. begin at the base chakra and slowly move upward through all of the chakras. in principle, this would open your chakras and move the energy/chi upward along your spine even though it isn't straight.
these suggestions are a couple of things that came to mind that might help you to overcome the challenge you are facing. i googled meditation visualizations and found some interesting sites. if you have a problem finding this information, pm me for the links.
much love and light to you,
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