Tips for meditation
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12-08-2008, 01:55 PM
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Oct 2005
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i think the law of one actually says that your spine being straight isn’t really that important, perhaps someone can find the quote.
try to be aware that meditation doesn’t require a formal procedure. there are some methods that yield what could be called results faster than others but that’s not the point. cultivate your attention so you are as aware as possible of your thoughts, your body, and the world around you. choose which ever method works best for your situation.
eventually you want to bring that mindset of non judgmental awareness into every moment of your entire life. from driving your car, looking at the sky, to smelling poop. once you are able to really see the world around you without thought coverings (10 seconds is great!) you’ve gotten to the point where you can start adding intention and action to your meditation.
if you want to get that feeling of oneness again you should look into loving kindness meditation. something as simple as saying “i love you” to all objects in your world (for a few weeks 24 hours a day) can really have some profound effects.
if you find yourself becoming too detached from the world around you switch to loving kindness, if you are becoming too attached switch to non judgmental awareness. your goal should be to develop the discrimination required to decide which path to walk in each moment.
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