Dear Sarangji, It is a very interesting point you raise. I had some notes on it from which I write below. This passage appears very corrupted and variously in different versions of the MBH, unlike the rest of the chapter. In some versions, Krishna is not mentioned at all - rather Dharma is referred to "hundreds of dresses of many colours appeared, O lord, due to Dharma's protection" "she cried out for rescue to Krishna, Nara, Hari, Vishnu. Then Dharma, the magnanimous, covered her with a number of dresses" It may be worthwhile to remember that Vidura, the son & incarnation of Dharma is often referred to as Dharma in the text. Vidura was a witness to the proceedings. During a later meeting with the Pandavas in the forest, Krishna emphatically mentions "I would have prevented the dice game". But no mention from either Krishna or the Pandavas, of the miraculous saving of modesty of Draupadi. Yudhishtira, normally so full of Gratitude for Krishna in other occasions, says not a word about this to Krishna, although he bewails the games played by destiny.