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Old 02-09-2012, 10:00 PM   #3

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Oct 2005
Senior Member
#1 Really a very good presentation. Especially, people who do not have faith
in God must read this thread.

Like those days, we may not be able to render Service to the Temple. Now a
days, normally we see people are quite busy and some even do not get
time to go to Temple. May be owing to their own preoccupation. Such people
must take a oath that they will visit the Temple once in a month, if not a week
and try some simple things like...

Go to the at least nearby Temple, Bow before Lord Ganesha and have Dharshan
of Presiding God and Deity Chant Slokas/Mantras etc whatever one knows. Offer
your mite to the Gurukkal (as you please) are drop it in the Temple Hundi

Lighting the Lamp and Incense at the permitted place

Go round the Temple Praharam

Come out and prostrate before the Dwajasthampam

Donate whatever possible to the people who are anxiously looking for from the
persons coming out of the Temple.

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