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Old 12-12-2011, 03:32 AM   #9

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Shri Kunjuppu,

May I beg to differ from you in respect of your observation "works by rajaji, radhakrishnan, kannadasan and (of late) discourses by (ex tamil actor) shiva kumar or vishaka hari, whom i came to know only recently, there is absolute devotion and commitment there, and as a practising hindu, i love to read and hear these."

Smt. Visakha Hariis, in my opinion, no way different from the orthodoxy here which I and probably you also criticize. If we take VH's certificate of hinduism as something of value, then, honestly, we lose our moral stand to criticize the blind orthodoxy. Rajaji falls in the same category, imo but Radhakrishnan being a philosopher has a different approach though, he also tries not to tread on the toes of the orthodox believers except when compelled by his scholastic opinion. I am not familiar with the works of kannadasan or shivakumar and so I reserve my judgment.
dear sangom,

i am 100% in agreement with you. infact, when i read kannadasan's 'arthamulla hindu madham', i thought his explanation/justification of varna/jathi was like skating on thin ice.

my exhortions to folks like sarang, is the futility of quoting western folks, to project the greatness of hinduism. there are sufficient number of local desis to do so. that is all.

personally i feel, there will be no one person where you or i will agree 100%, including among ourselves. but then there is a broad >50% agreement.

in that context, vishaka hari, presents a facet of hinduism in an interesting manner. in real life, she is also a chartered accountant, the mother of a new born and one never knows, under what context she has picked up this art. there may be a inner rebel in her, and who knows, her interpretations might take on a femininist slant over the years, when she gets more confident and has a more loyal following.

as Yamaka would say, 'wait and watch'.

ps.. it is my nature, and i agree that this may be a irrevocable fault, i am unable to let go of anyone for disagreement of views. even absolutely. i think, it is important to keep conversations and dialogues going, for somewhere, in the distant eon, there may be a meeting point, ie the proverbial meeting point of the railway tracks ie infinity.. which is why i find goodness in VH or rajaji or kannadasan..

btw i heard that shivakumar's discourses are awesome, ie more attuned towards the paamara makkal, but solid its arguements nevertheless. he probably can garner a bigger crowd than VH
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