temple funds
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11-14-2011, 05:59 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
it does not do good to spread rumours based on 'what you have heard'.
the HRCE has a huge task. there are way many temples, very few are extremely popular, some self sufficient, and many in deficit.
please be assured, that other caste hindus, who are/were the cheif municients of the temple till and even now, have as much or more care in maintaining those edifices. tamill hinduism owes its existence and flourish to NBs, and it does not behoove well to cast aspirations through innuendos, about temple funds diverted to haj or christian churches.
admittedly these are government bureaucracies, and prior to these, as sangom would amplify many temples were managed by private folks, and many of them were cheated and mismanaged, by tambrams, who were in key admin positions then. we need to rid ourselves of such type of retro thinking that you pen here, implying everything has 'gone to dogs'.
not only are you getting worked up guru, but you are unnecessarily raising the BP of those who read your posts.. untrue and unauthenticated.
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